The point here is to demonstrate how light such a code can be. In his current state the code suffers some defaults discussed at the end.
A template is a String comprising tokens of the form [ProperyName] or [ProperyName:format]. PropertyName can be any name of any property of an object or navigable property of the object. However IEnumerable are not handled.
public static String MergeObjectFromTemplate(String st, Object o) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(st)) throw new ArgumentNullException("st"); if (o == null) return st; Int32 i = st.IndexOf("["); Int32 j = 0; String pName; Object lo; String[] a; while (i >= 0) { j = st.IndexOf("]"); if (j == -1) return st; pName = st.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1); a = pName.Split(':'); lo = GetObjectByReflection(o, a[0]); if (lo == null) { st = st.Replace("[" + pName + "]", "_" + pName + "_"); } else { if (a.Count() == 1) { st = st.Replace("[" + pName + "]", lo.ToString().Trim()); } else { st = st.Replace("[" + pName + "]", String.Format("{0:" + a[1] + "}", lo)); } } i = st.IndexOf("["); } return st; }The key function here is: GetObjectByReflection.
public static Object GetObjectByReflection(Object src, String propertyName) { Type type; Object o = src; foreach (String fragment in propertyName.Split('.')) { type = o.GetType(); PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(fragment); if (pi == null) { o = null; break; } o = pi.GetValue(o, null); if (o == null) return String.Empty; } return o; }That is it!
Well, not totally. It remains some defaults, but for 50 lines, that's may be not so bad. Known defaults are:
- Bad format string are not handled.
- This is blocking, if throwing an exception is blocking. Correcting it is easy once expected behavior is known. At the time the code was updated I was just needing to format DateTime in a relatively safe environment: templates are edited by me. It is another story if you want to allow user to produce templates.
- Excepted for a bad format String, the code always returns a String, even if a bad object is provided, or bad property name is used.